You want nothing more than to pass the test and we want nothing more than to be the app that get you there.
The quality of our apps extends from our authors all the way through our seamless multi-platform delivery of your study material.
The Best Authors
Limmer Education products are created by leaders in EMS education including Limmer Education co-founder and EMS author Dan Limmer and Bill Brown, former Executive Director of the NREMT. We search for educators who have extensive educational experience. Many of our contributors have participated in NREMT item writing panels.
The Best Content
Our content is up-to-date and challenging. Through a combination of study cards, review questions and simulated NREMT questions, we prepare you to be successful- the first time. The NREMT isn't easy. LC-ready.com prepares you with questions in the same style as the NREMT. We also offer insightful, high quality audio programs if listening is your thing.
Study Anytime, Anywhere
Start on your phone, pick up exactly where you left off later on your computer. Our apps are the only ones that can be used on any device, anytime, anywhere. We call this cross-platform technology. You need the app when you are ready to study-no questions asked.
With more than 6 years in the app business and more than 25 apps on the market, Limmer Education is the name you can trust when the only option is success.